Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What is a Bahrain Diva?

Based on popular demand I have decided to write a blog on my adventure to the Middle East and beyond!
At first I felt it would be self-indulgent and even catty to write about my 3 month + dream-like experience away from Montreal, while all my friends and family were stuck in the cold. I was sure to make some enemies out of my closest friends! But after a little push from a few friends and contacts and a need to document and re-live and share some of the most memorable moments of my life, I decided to give it a go!
I will try my best ladies (you know who you are) to try and not get under anyone's skin.
This is it, my first post!
- A Bahrain "Diva is a female version of..." the modern day working woman who picks up her life and leaves her career in Montreal to follow her husband to Bahrain for the winter, without guilt or regret to live the life of a "Khaleejy", a modern woman of the gulf!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great job. I realize your blog has been up for all of 7 minutes but post some photos already! Also, the appropriate term for Bahrain Diva is B'iva.

  3. Mr Amin,

    I add you as a friend on FB... nope. I add you as a contact on linkedin... nope. All of a sudden I am 7 minutes into my blog and you appear? So how does that work? Please do explain as I am new to this lol!

  4. Please... I never go on Facebook so you're probably number 253 in a long list of people I haven't friended. As for LinkedIn, I so added YOU ages ago, so BOOYAH! I believe an internet-wide alert was posted when you put this thing up. I surprised the site hasn't crashed due to the massive volume of traffic you must be getting...

  5. OMG I made it on to your blog.. feeling veerrrryyy special!!!!

  6. @Mike Amin - as in Leave it to B'iva?
    Cait, maybe it's just me but it sounds suspiciously un-hayaa. I Googled it and got nothing.



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