Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"What does one do with all this time off" I have been asked many times by my family (my friends are probably thinking it too but are too polite to ask)?! Well when you have worked since the age of 16, completed 2 university degrees (one being a Masters), while working part time and summers, and then working full time for the last 4 years (the last one of which you were planning a wedding) and all without a break longer than 3 weeks... A little boredom is a welcome change!

Why did I wait so long to write this blog? I think that this has been my first chance to disconnect from the only life I know in MTL. Yes I've done a lot of travelling, but this is different. I am dipping my big toe in the water and before you know it I should be treading water again. I have to say, although I have missed many aspects of my life like my family, my friends, my work... it felt good to be on the other side of the world and free from any and all obligations. even that of a blog. But I still have a month left to my adventure!

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